
Wednesday, June 6, 2012


从乡下到城市的差异是生活的步伐, 为了往上爬,大家都浑身解数的表现自己,希望有被看好而爬上枝头的一天,其中速度两字就成了同事之间的竞争指标之一;大家从五湖四海云聚在一大密集的钢铁森林里,努力的寻找自己的梦想,不管梦想背后的理念是什么,出头天好像成为了城市人主要的目标,这也包括了一个像我这样的一个从乡下到城里竞技的人。我常在想擦肩而过的人群中,有多少个人和我有着同样背景 ?答案是比比皆是 !我们都还在为精准快,掏心掏脑的在人群中努力凸显自己为梦想踏出每一步。。。

The different between living in town and village is the foot step, we will carry our best to perform our self to cramming to the top among us, speed is one of the competition criteria in a way ; we came from various places to the concrete forest looking forward our dreams, it is in matter of idea of the dreams, to be success is most of the town citizen's target, these included me. It is always in mind that in the crowd, in facts  how many of us having the same background, the answer is many of us ! We act extra focus, precise and speed to hit the goals to highlight our differentiation among us...

3月25日,第三次踏足我国一年一度的雪邦第一方程式赛车盛会,这是一个以精准快为主轴的运动,分秒必争 !赛车发出的贯耳的引擎声,让观众不自觉的心跳起来。。。

On 25 March 12, it is my third times of participating Formula 1 Grand Prix. Focus, precise and speed is the main target of this sport, every second counts ! The noise develop from the car engine lead the audience excited...

赛车手的每一分,每一秒都站在生命的钢线上,一个差错,输了一场赛事可谓事小,分分钟会赔上性命,所以啊 !比起赛车手们,我们的竞技场安全多了,也因为风险低,爆光率低的我们站在人群中显得平平无奇,对我来说这倒没关系,至少我们在平凡的生活中能够活得自在!

Every seconds to the racer is the risk of life, one mistake done may cause the racer sacrifice of life, therefore, the flunk of the tournament by the mistake done become small matter in facts. Compare to the racer, our risk of career is must lower then the racer, therefore,  we become typically ordinary person compare to those racer or high exposure extraordinary personnel, anyway, it is okay to me. At least I can live comfortably with the simple life ! 


Meaningfulness life should not measured by the success of career, to me, as long as live with brilliant and plenitude, we should able to find an extraordinary story from the commonplace life style ! 

Sunday, May 13, 2012


最近发生很多事;感受因地震导致摇晃的昏眩,当时我还误以为自己血压飙高,如今想起有点可笑;还有和欣薇,欣宁及欣宁的上司从十五层高楼往下逃命的经验,心惊胆跳 !外婆病逝,哀伤 !Bersih 3.0警方的暴力行为让人无法相信。中学同学萧湘伟的病逝扑闻,再一次感叹人生的无常。我无奈的接受事业上的瓶颈。这一切的负能量笼罩了我的四及五月份。然而生活再难过还是一样要过,而且要积极的面对每个挑战,让自己的生活更精彩,不然错过了后悔也徒然。。。因为今年没有出国工作的机会,惟有好好的计划在我国四处游玩,品尝我国的美食和体验我国的美丽。

There is few incident occurring  recently ; Experience of dizzying from earthquake,I was misunderstood my blood pressure having high shoot, feel bit funny after recall now ;  the rush down from high rise 15 floors to survive is another experience with really terrify me. Grandma pass away, sad ! Police violence action in Bersih 3.0, unbelievable. Xiao Xiang Wei, my secondary school classmate passed away, sigh of impermanent of life. Accepted with frustration of my bottle neck of career. Seems like all the negative cell surrounding me during April and May. Anyway, no mater how sad we are, life still have to carry on, nevertheless,  we in facts need to be more proactive to take the challenges and make sure our life full with brilliant, otherwise, useless with regret why we didn't make it...There is no oversea task this year, therefore, it has plan to travel around locally, try all the best food and experience all the best view of our country.

24/03/12 第一次和欣薇的家人出游,我们的目标有皇城瓜拉雪兰莪 -  Kuala Selangor ) 及鱼米之乡适耕庄。(Sekinchan )日出晚归,一整天的吃喝玩乐后,我们都带着疲惫的身体回家,对我来说这是一个很棒的旅程。现在回想当时的欢乐,那股正能量慢慢的抵消了的负能量。我需要出游 !

24/03/12 First time travel with Shin Wei's family, we target point is Royal town Kuala Selangor and Sekinchan.  Good food plus fun, all of us was tired with the whole day trip, it was a brilliant trip to me.  All the negative cell disappear by the positive cell generate from the recall of the joy during the trip. I need to travel ! 


Most of the time we need to balance our depression, reading and writing is a good ideal to consider, the more we practice we were realize all those tension and stress in facts is part of our life, not a big deal. 

我曾在《稻乡》这篇博文和大家分享当时到皇城瓜雪和稻乡丹绒加弄(Tanjung Karang )的美丽和心情。

I do share the beauty and frame of mind of Royal town Kuala Selangor and paddy field Tanjung Karang in my earlier trip. 

美拉瓦地山(Bukit Melawati )的美景依然, 加上蓝天白云的配搭,赞 !
 Bukit Melawati's beauty remain, plus on Blue sky and cloud, perfect match !

The scene of boat and building on the water, Like !

我们来到这间坐落在适耕庄,阿贤在电视节目推荐的餐馆吃第二个午餐,美味鲨鱼粥和香辣鲜虾,棒 !
This is our second lunch, shark porridge plus fresh hot shrimp, Superb ! This restaurant was introduce by Ah Xiang in TV programmed. Location at Sekinchan.

There is no snow white beach, but it is a good place for relaxation.

The quiet of paddy village having power of releasing all the stress. Like !

风和日丽的下午,心情也随之神采飞扬 !
The sunny day. Brilliant !

Believed there will be a different feeling when we look again this photo in future...