
Wednesday, June 6, 2012


从乡下到城市的差异是生活的步伐, 为了往上爬,大家都浑身解数的表现自己,希望有被看好而爬上枝头的一天,其中速度两字就成了同事之间的竞争指标之一;大家从五湖四海云聚在一大密集的钢铁森林里,努力的寻找自己的梦想,不管梦想背后的理念是什么,出头天好像成为了城市人主要的目标,这也包括了一个像我这样的一个从乡下到城里竞技的人。我常在想擦肩而过的人群中,有多少个人和我有着同样背景 ?答案是比比皆是 !我们都还在为精准快,掏心掏脑的在人群中努力凸显自己为梦想踏出每一步。。。

The different between living in town and village is the foot step, we will carry our best to perform our self to cramming to the top among us, speed is one of the competition criteria in a way ; we came from various places to the concrete forest looking forward our dreams, it is in matter of idea of the dreams, to be success is most of the town citizen's target, these included me. It is always in mind that in the crowd, in facts  how many of us having the same background, the answer is many of us ! We act extra focus, precise and speed to hit the goals to highlight our differentiation among us...

3月25日,第三次踏足我国一年一度的雪邦第一方程式赛车盛会,这是一个以精准快为主轴的运动,分秒必争 !赛车发出的贯耳的引擎声,让观众不自觉的心跳起来。。。

On 25 March 12, it is my third times of participating Formula 1 Grand Prix. Focus, precise and speed is the main target of this sport, every second counts ! The noise develop from the car engine lead the audience excited...

赛车手的每一分,每一秒都站在生命的钢线上,一个差错,输了一场赛事可谓事小,分分钟会赔上性命,所以啊 !比起赛车手们,我们的竞技场安全多了,也因为风险低,爆光率低的我们站在人群中显得平平无奇,对我来说这倒没关系,至少我们在平凡的生活中能够活得自在!

Every seconds to the racer is the risk of life, one mistake done may cause the racer sacrifice of life, therefore, the flunk of the tournament by the mistake done become small matter in facts. Compare to the racer, our risk of career is must lower then the racer, therefore,  we become typically ordinary person compare to those racer or high exposure extraordinary personnel, anyway, it is okay to me. At least I can live comfortably with the simple life ! 


Meaningfulness life should not measured by the success of career, to me, as long as live with brilliant and plenitude, we should able to find an extraordinary story from the commonplace life style !