
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


04/03/12,我和欣薇来到Ampang Botanik  拜访剑强的木艺家居坊,到他的店时已是十一点多了,由于好一段时日没见面,大家话甲一开,就连续不断. 人与人之间的关系就是那么的奥妙,有缘者相恨晚,无缘者半句嫌多。

04/03/12, Myself and Shin Wei visited Jian Qiang's Chinese wooden furniture store, the store located Ampang Botanik, we reached there already over 11am, it was sometimes never meet up each others, once start talking, non stop talking. Relationship between people is so profound, with those affinity always regret why not knowing each other early instead, with those dislike person, will bore even with single word.


There are many beautiful antique furniture furnish and decorate in Jian Qiang's furniture store, everything here like an artwork, I do feel it was full of Chung Hua culture, from the table, Chair, bed, hand craft and some dairy usage equipment, etc. All the products fascinated me.

生活可以很简单,但不容易。羡慕剑强和林悦可以为了兴趣放弃一般的上班族的生活模式,要活得那么随心,虽说简单,但绝不容易。对我而言,生活精不精彩并在于是不是活得富贵,而是活得充不充实。借此祝贺剑强大展宏图,万事如意 !

Life can be very simple, but not easy. Admire Jian Qiang and Lim Yue could follow their interest and give up the employee life model, to live with wishes, it is simple, but not easy. To me, brilliant life is not measure by the wealth, it is how enrich of our life. Would like to take a chance here to wish Jian Qiang all the best !

我深信不管是上班族好,或者是自营也好,所有的大成就都是从小成就引申而起,故此,再大理想也该行动始于小起点,就让我们一起为自己生命中的梦想找个起点吧 !

I do believed it is not a mater of employee or self employment, all the achievement is start from a small success, therefore, achieving big wishes need to start with small initial point, let's work together to find the initial point of our dreams.


Anonymous said...

美丽的古董手艺家具...别有一番风味 :)


邱祥珲 said...


是呀 !有空不妨造访剑强的木艺家居。

一个旅人 said...


邱祥珲 said...

是呀 !有空不妨拜访拜访。就在吧生Ampang Botanik ( Bkt. Tinggi Jaya Jusco 对面 )