昨天和Bro Lye 及 Bro Ong 到FRIM去一趟,亲近大自然,运动解除一个星期的疲劳。这一天是 26/02/12,我的家乡关丹同时有个绿色大聚会,情愿我国政府放弃稀土企划,给人民一个绿色的家。 我支持 !给予所有的绿色战士们至高的敬意, 谢谢你们,辛苦了 !
Yesterday, I was with Bro Lye and Bro Ong when to FRIM to get close of Natural park, excise to get away tiredness. 26/02/12 there is a Green demonstration in my home town Kuantan with objective of petition to our government to forgo the Dynas project. Give our people a Green home. I support the ideal and give all the Green fighter highly respect and thanks for the hard work !
今天要与大家分享的是18/02/12的Bkt. Kiara之行,Shin Ning,Shin Wei 及我如期赴约。我们来到曾在《绿肺》这篇博文与大家分享过的地方。雨后带给我们清凉舒适的感觉,看到经过一番雨水洗条后的树木们,都带着清爽的心情与大家会面,当我看到一 颗颗在叶上的晨露时,欢喜不已 !这是一个很棒的早晨。以下是当天拍下的照片,希望我们的绿色乐土在发展的洪流下还能够保留下来。。。
What I am wanted to share is dated 18/02/12 Bkt. Kiara trip, Shin Ning , Shin Wei and myself come to date as early plan. I do shared this place in my early blog < Green >. All the Green showing fresh after the rain and we feel much comfort and refresh today. I was so happy when I saw the dew on the leaf. A great morning ! There are so photo taken on that day, and I wish the Green still can remain even with a lot of development...
今天我试着用自己的方式写英文版博文,放弃运用Google translate,相信在重覆的学习会提升英文的书写能力。
I am give up of using Google Translate to write the English version, and I did it my way of expression this time. Believed the repeated practice will allow me to have better English writing skill.