从今天开始,兔年正式放下包袱,好好修养十一年。龙年也正式粉墨登场,希望龙老哥能够勤于朝政,给大家带来繁华盛世,国泰民安。我的心随着这个充满活力的节日动起来,来年我得为自己的未来全力以赴,再大的风雨也改变不了我这份势在必行的冲劲 !
Starting today, the Lunar Rabbit year is officially put down the burden, Rabbit going to have good cultivation of eleven years. A formal stage in the Year of the Dragon, wishing Dragon brother diligent in affairs of state, bring us Flourishing Golden Age,peace and prosperity for everyone. My heart with this festival moving the coming year, I have to go all out for my future, even though with the challenges of strong wind and heavy rain can not change my imperative momentum.
不管多大的理想也得要有一个健康的体魄,Bro Ong夫妇及John 这对准妻加上欣薇和我这对小钗两小在05/02/12重踏陀螺山(Bukit Gasing)为我们的健康定基础。开始我们今年的第一个户外活动,开始了就停不下来啦 !
No mater how big the aspiration, some how healthy body is needed. Bro Ong his wife and John and his fiancee, Shin Wei and me visiting Bukit Gasing again on 05/02/12 to build our health foundation. This is our first outdoor activities in this year, once began will not stopped !
经过一番美化,这入口处较为美观了。这天堆满了人群。 After some beautification, the entrance more attractive. This day is filled with the crowd. |
这些原始植物都是无价的教育题材。 These primitive plants are invaluable educational theme... |
在朝阳下,这束香蕉显得分外耀眼 ! Bunches of Bananas sparkling under the sun ! |
这里新建了两个很本土的亭子让运动者小歇,服务周到。 The new built two local pavilion for the public resting here, courteous service. |
新婚夫妻,甜甜蜜 ! Newlyweds, sweet sweet! |
笑容可掬 !哈哈哈 !Sweet Smiling ! Ha ha ha ! | |
有没有阿凡达的感觉 ? Avatar feeling? |
喜欢阳光下的绿叶, 感觉充满希望 ! Like the green leaves under the sun, feeling full of hope! |
从瞭望塔望去的八打灵有另一番滋味。 From the observation tower looked Petaling Jaya, there is different feeling . |
从瞭望塔往下拍两位靓女。 Down from the watchtower shot of two beauties. |
喜欢绿野里树木重叠的层次感 ! Like the green overlap layering! |
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