正如我在《待发》这篇博文中所提,开始了我们的活动就停不下来了,这一天 12/02/12 我们马来西亚森林研究院(Forest Research Institute Malaysia - FRIM ) 这一回我们靠GPS到达FRIM的另一端,探索FRIM的另一面。曾在《爬山》这篇博文曾与大家分享这里的美和当时的想法,其实在这篇博文后,我还有陆陆续续的来到同样的地方享受大自然的美。
As I mentioned in the "momentum" this blog, once we started our activities do not stop down. This day 12/02/12 , we rely on GPS to reach the other end of FRIM (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia) , to explore the other side of FRIM. I use to share with you In the blog name "climb" to share with you beuti part of here and the idea was, in fact, in between, I still have one after another came to the same place to enjoy the beauty of nature.
我有个想法,我想与大家分享心爱的国土,包括这里的青山碧水,风土人情,美味佳肴,这里的一切一切的美,虽然我心爱的国土的某些体制上的偏差让人贻笑大方 !整体上我们还是很棒的 !
I have an idea, I would like to share with the beloved land, including the clear water of the Castle Peak, customs, cuisine, and here all these United States, although some of my beloved homeland institutional bias makes a laughing stock! Overall great!
Everything here is memorable, fly in the ointment is that in addition to entrance fee, bring a camera to have an extra $ 5. It does not matter, rather than remember the unhappy things as Thanksgiving brought us joy.
As I mentioned in the "momentum" this blog, once we started our activities do not stop down. This day 12/02/12 , we rely on GPS to reach the other end of FRIM (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia) , to explore the other side of FRIM. I use to share with you In the blog name "climb" to share with you beuti part of here and the idea was, in fact, in between, I still have one after another came to the same place to enjoy the beauty of nature.
我有个想法,我想与大家分享心爱的国土,包括这里的青山碧水,风土人情,美味佳肴,这里的一切一切的美,虽然我心爱的国土的某些体制上的偏差让人贻笑大方 !整体上我们还是很棒的 !
I have an idea, I would like to share with the beloved land, including the clear water of the Castle Peak, customs, cuisine, and here all these United States, although some of my beloved homeland institutional bias makes a laughing stock! Overall great!
Wong, Lye and Shin Wei 在研究整个行程。 Wong, Lye, and Shin Wei in the study of the entire trip. |
蓝天白云,青山绿草,让人看了心旷神怡 ! Blue sky, Castle Peak grass, looked relaxed and happy! |
奇花异草,带给我们另一种视觉感官。 Plants, bring us another visual senses. |
很喜欢这张照片带出的感觉。谢谢Wong的杰作。 Like the feeling of this photo. Thank Wong's masterpiece. |
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高山+大湖,绝配 ! Alpine + the Great Lakes, perfect match! |
这天有点累,但很开心 ! | This is a little tired but very happy! |
这里种了许多让人美丽花草树木,让人目不转睛 ! Over here planted many beautiful flowers and trees, all these make us stare them. |
谈天说地 !Chatting ! |
Everything here is memorable, fly in the ointment is that in addition to entrance fee, bring a camera to have an extra $ 5. It does not matter, rather than remember the unhappy things as Thanksgiving brought us joy.
这是 FRIM 吗?为什么都没有看过的?好漂亮,
哈哈哈 !是呀 !这里是FRIM,我也是用GPS才来到此,这里是原址的另一端,下次再去时,我把GPS的地标记下和你分享。
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