
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


前两天欣薇和我分享一个故事; 有个年轻人生活面对挑战而烦躁之极,于是便决定上山去拜见僧人求修行,誓要领悟生命的真谛,解开心中的懊恼。

Two days before the Shin Wei share me a story; a young man living to face challenges and irritability extremely, so he decided to go to the mountains Meet the monks to Practice, and vowing to comprehend the true meaning of life to unlock the hearts of chagrin.


The next day, young man crime on top of the mountains to look for the monk apprentice practice, when he reach to the top, young man tell the his intension to the monk , the monk a promise of young people and continues to busy with his daily routine work,  young man obediently waiting next to the monk.


Moment, the monk put down the work and to request the young man to buy daily necessities with him, the young man readily agreed. From the wet market back to the  mountain, young man carry all the necessities for the monk. Return to the mountain, the monk continue to busy with his work, young man still carry all the stuff since he did not receive any indicate from the monks how to deal with all the items, he continue carrying all the items, at the beginning, young man can easily carrying all things, and that capable of.

几个小时后,年轻人觉得所提拿的物品好像越来越重,后来年轻人双手已累得无法继续拿着所有的东西时,便请示僧人要如何处理手上的物品,此时僧人笑笑回他说‘既然那么重,为何不放下呢 ?年轻人恍然的说‘对啊 !既然那么重为何不放下呢?我的烦恼何曾不是和手上的物品一样的沉重,既然如此,为何我还硬要提着呢?相信接下来的故事结果大家已有答案了。

A few hours later, the young man feel the items on hands seems to be getting heavier and heavier, later, young man tired, he is not able to continue to hold all the stuff, then consult the monk how to deal with items in hand, then the monks laughsmiled and said, 'If that was heavy, why not put down? The young man seems like get the answer he is looking for, then he said, ' Since it is so heavy why not put down? My troubles heavy as all those stuff on hands, why should I insist to carry ? I believed We have already the answer of the story that followed.

我们和年轻人都是凡人,生活上的考验不胜枚举,烦恼的事也一摞摞, 那么我们为何不学会放下沉重的烦恼呢 ? 最终,苦了自己也累了自己。

We are mortal as the young man, the tests of life are numerous, troubling things a pile of pile, why do we not learn to put down a heavy trouble? In the end, hard tired.



一个旅人 said...


邱祥珲 said...
