
Thursday, February 23, 2012


那一天12/02/12,我们接着FRIM的活动后,我们来到这个约三十年前我曾来过的地方,多年来曾多次说过要来这里走一趟,但就只是谈谈而已。这地方就是我们印度同胞每年必到的朝圣圣地,驰名全国的黑风洞。( Batu Cave )

The day of 12/02/12, we then FRIM's activities, we came to this after about 30 years ago, it was years has repeatedly said to come here to take a trip, but just to talk aboutonly. This place is our Indian compatriots every year for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land, well-known country's Batu Caves.

这一天在没预先的安排下,重踏那个已模糊的脚印,我拼命的寻找当年的那一点点的记忆,印象中就只留下那一级的梯级,年幼的我拼命的往上爬去,也不知道那份兴奋的心是从何由来 ?我在想,如果我今天能够有当年的有那份单纯的傻劲,那该是多好的一件事 ?

This day in the not pre-arranged, stomping that has been blurred footprints, I try my hardest to find was that little bit of memory, leaving only the impression that a cascade young I am trying very hard to climbgo, do not share the excitement of the heart is where the origin?I wonder if I can have when the share of pure Folly, how good it will be ?

事过境迁,这一天,我还是以往一样一步一步踏踏实实的往上走,因为生活的经验告诉我,稳健的每一步,总会遇上我生命中的伯乐,无奈的是,多年以后,我就只有沉着气努力的往上爬,然而这份傻劲,会不会是我在事业上停滞不前的原因呢?港剧里常提到而我又极不认同的俗语‘忠忠实实,终须乞食’难道真的是不可否定的生活哲学吗?我在踏上每个梯级时,心里有着满满的矛盾,一直到终点时,我依然笨笨的认为我的坚持总会有个艳阳天 !哪怕我的每个步伐都比别人来得艰难。。。

Overtaken by events, this day, the usual step-by-step manner, so the going up, because life experience tells me, steady step, there will  be someone in my life to bring me to next level, helpless, many years later,I only calm air efforts to climb, the Folly, however, will not be stagnant in my career because it? Often mentioned and I highly do not agree with saying 'loyal faithful real end to be begging' in the Hong Kong drama' Is it really true philosophy of life can not be denied? When I set foot on each rung, and my heart full of contradictions, until over the top, I still simple-minded, that I insisted there will always be a sunny day! Even if my pace more difficult than others. . .

一串串种满文化色彩的花圈等待着信徒到来购买 !
A string full of cultural color wreath waiting believers arrival to buy!

Filled with a dense crowd to the statue after the cascade climb barefoot, kneeling crawling, children, adults, and there are elderly men and women, each with individual the mentality of the climb.

合照留念 !多年后重返这里会不会有更多疲惫的笑容 ?
Pictured withYears after the return will more tired smile?

The gods have many believers to spiritual sustenance.

走着走着,来个小歇留影 !
After walking, a small break pictures !

不管是上帝之作的山洞,还是信徒们制作的每个神像,皆为鬼斧神工之作 !配合无间 !
Whether it is God's cave, or the faithful production of each of the statues are gods of! Worked closely with.


Anonymous said...


邱祥珲 said...

谢谢分享。我的确比很多人幸福,也感恩有此福分。我也相信前方的艳阳天在等着我,至于有多远 ?就不得而知了。

cindyq said...


邱祥珲 said...




玮玮 said...


邱祥珲 said...

对呀 !有空就到处走走看看,体验我国的生活文化和青山碧水。一步一脚印。加油 !